Wednesday, March 03, 2004

i leave for ireland in less than 48 hours. nothing else matters to me at this point. i know i should be working my tail off for homework, but i just want to get on that plane and be across the ocean for spring break and have a grande time serving and learning with the team. i cannot even begin to explain how excited i much i can't even believe that i, kristy o., am going to be in ireland in less than three days!!! i girlie squeal couldn't near cover it...for real, yo.

i like brian. a lot. even when i am having a spacey day and i'm completely out of it, i smile just getting to sit with him for a few minutes. sometimes i can't stand the girliness that comes out of, what the crap is all this sighing and dreaminess? am i actually swooning? you've got to be kidding me...because, my vision of who i am does *not* do that.

okay, i am going to try to do homework. and laundry. and packing. yeah.

dialogue is interesting. ever just listen to people? how much you can tell just by more than *just* the words, too.

okay, ireland, here i come.


Monday, March 01, 2004


that was excitement. that is excitement.

so the rest of the *stuff* i have to do this week just seems like crap...pointless, worthless, boring. even though i know in reality it's not...because it's where i'm supposed to be and i am just extremely anxious to get over the atlantic and to the land o' the irish.

i've had a wonderful past few weeks. i will fill you in, faithful blog reader, at a later time.

and yes, i have seen the Passion. that is a blog unto itself.

okay, off to do more homework and studying...hope the day is as wonderful as it is long.