Sunday, September 19, 2004

i believe God is found in the details. He is the big picture and he is within every detail.

even under a bottle cap.

great message and encouragement as well as something of admonishment for me personally from jared at church today....

reminding me

-that Jesus noticed, even as he was mauled by many, how one woman touched his robe

-that the God who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords came for all who would choose to enter in to his family

-that he loves me where i am, in the details, in the little things, as i am a little thing, a tiny magnificant creation that is his Beloved

-that family is not by blood, but by those who choose to enter in to community with you (and with Him) [okay, this one is more of a personal insight, but it came about from listening to mark ch. 3 and reading matthew 5 today]

may you find God in the majestic miniscule details of your day


Saturday, September 18, 2004

still love my job...

monique and i get along pretty well, so that's a lot of fun (i imagine that if the two girls on tour didn't get along that it might be a little bit more difficult...)

we had our first performance. it went pretty darn well...and i got to hang out with K-3 for a while during their lunch time. eating lunch with kindergardeners puts a new perspective on life.

i look forward to a tuesday performance where i get to be the goth character that i love and make the seas of students part when i walk between them all.

other than that, it's been rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal, run show, lunch, line through, run different show, get notes, do non-performance duties, go find props and costumes, eat dinner, work on lines, go to sleep, get up, and go again. it's fantastic!

yesterday, i was stuck at work until 7 pm because so many roads were flooded in pitty.

today, my parent's renew their wedding vows in honor of their 25th year of marriage.

tonight, i get to see the 24 hour theater festival at malone.

tomorrow? well, i'll see about that when i get there.

God finds our desires and passions not too strong, but too weak....

Friday, September 03, 2004


and that was shouted in a very gleeful manner!

i can't believe i get paid to do this...