Monday, April 11, 2005

i love closure.

i miss conversation.

in other news....
i am now a member of "christian" media. i got hired for a christian TV sitcom today, as a recurring regular. eh, it'll look good on the resume. i think it's an experience God wants me to have, but i keep praying that it's not another experience for me to be stressed out in. i'd rather just a simple side job, where i can go in, do the rehearsal, shoot, and be done. guess i'll see when the time comes.

5 more weeks....

8 weeks and 3 days until dave is home...

2 weeks until a nashville roadtrip?

3 days until i meet with my evidentally new "talent" agent...

4 days until my next paycheck...

a lot of counting going on.

and though i realize i value a whole lot of people...there are some that i need to thank for being a *true* friend that i can trust (although i am to trust no man, because all men and women fail). if you are such a friend to me, i hope you know it. and if you don't...just ask. to find some beuchner and boenhoffer at the library.

i've not been so well in a while, as well as i am at this very moment. i hope you are just as- even more so- well than i...full of a peace that you can't dream of creating yourself!

~resting in grace

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